about Kaz

Kaz has an extraordinary eye for the finer details, with a natural ability to disarm both subjects & clients - creating the space and a fresh narrative to produce photographic works that are distinct and timeless.

She has a knack for capturing incredible moments for her clients, with a sense of timing that nurtures those magical and sometimes candid ‘in-between’ shots, where her subject’s true personality really shines.

With over two decades experience, Kaz has shot editorial & fashion photography, worked on creating campaigns with designers or brands, and has also been commissioned by publications & creative entrepreneurs.

She has become well known for creating fully realised concepts, setting the tone for images that are both surprising and real; a style grounded in storytelling that strikes for it’s balanced complexity.

Perth branding photographer Kaz Djordjevic.


Growing up in Perth, Western Australia - officially the most isolated city in the World - Kaz was heavily influenced by Arthouse movies and French & Italian Vogue magazines, all while dreaming big of what she might create and where she might explore.

From a young age, Kaz trained as a dancer; growing up on stage in a highly creative, highly technical environment, which later in life, had a huge impact on her creative processes.

Master Photographers and B&W imagery played a pivotal role in her choice of career direction; being in awe of the strong concepts, enigmatic and technically brilliant photographic works such that Ansel Adams, the Magnum Group, William Klein, Peter Lindbergh and many others produced. 

As an adult, this lead Kaz to study multi-disciplines of Photography, Art & Design (Fashion & Textiles), as well as Marketing. She has since held professional roles spanning several industries; producing stunning works across the artistic and creative production side, or tackling the challenge of ever changing scopes when engaged as a project lead.

With a mix of creative and critical thinking, Kaz has a natural ability to transform. big ideas into something tangible.

An analogy Kaz offers, surrounds the similarity between dance and her creative process; one of pushing the body to the extreme, pushing to achieve technical perfection, which then, only then, can you really be free creatively, to create what is distinctly you.